Sales: (208) 777-7444 | Factory: (208) 752-1157
Strand-Tite Commercial Coupling
Strand-Tite underground couplings were developed to save labor on prep and install Ome, and exceed the toughest burial conditions. They are highly corrosion resistant and watertight under extreme hydrostatic pressures. Strand-Tite is available in sizes 3”Ø up to 24”Ø and have all been tested to 5 PSI with a 5 to 1 safety factor. 5 PSI would cover pressures at the bottom of a duct buried 11’ below a slab with a full water table.
Seems excessive?
Yes, but you are putting a building on top of it, so it needs to be designed to outlast the building.
The coupling has an internal stop that keeps it centered when a duct is slid into each side. There are no metal parts in the coupling that will rust or disintegrate in the soil conditions over time. It is sealed with a 2-part epoxy that we provide and is as permanent as the duct. There are also no rubber parts or caulking in the joint system, as they have been found to degrade and not last as long as the duct.
Strand-Tite couplings have been added to our 3rd party inspection program with RADCO for independent verification in our mechanical code approvals. The couplings are an up charge option, but our customer testimonials will tell the story of 50-75% labor savings in the field. Little or no sanding/grinding or sheet metal sleeves or screws are needed. Most of our installers will dry fit the entire system and they go back and epoxy the couplings. For existing buildings or occupied space, we also have a VOC free epoxy as another upgrade option.
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Strand-Lock Industrial Coupling
Strand-Lock industrial couplings were developed to save labor on prep and install time, and exceed the toughest corrosion conditions. They are highly corrosion resistant and leak-tight under extreme hydrostatic pressures. Strand-Lock is available in sizes 3ӯ up to 24ӯ and have all been designed and tested to 5 PSI with a 5 to 1 safety factor. Our testing procedures include 3rd party certifications.
The coupling has an internal flange stop that keeps the seating surface centered when a duct is slid into each side. There are no metal or rubber parts that will fail over time in a corrosive environment. It is sealed internally with a 2-part epoxy that we provide which will be as permanent as the duct. The couplings are an upcharge option, but our customer testimonials will tell the experience of a 50-75% labor savings, and a greatly reduced chance to leak as opposed to flanges or butt and wrap field joints.
Little or no sanding or grinding is needed and most customers will dry fit the entire system and then go back and seal the joints. For existing buildings, clean rooms, or occupied space, we also have a VOC free epoxy as another upgrade option.
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