Sales: (208) 777-7444 | Factory: (208) 752-1157
Spunstrand® Inc. has been manufacturing filament wound fiberglass reinforced plastic duct and piping for over forty years. Variations in resin, glass, liners, wall thickness, and their applications in corrosive air, HVAC, or fluids, are as diverse as the markets we serve. We have made just about every size and shape imaginable and even provided insulated industrial ductwork. We also have an FDA approved insulated duct for use in food manufacturing plants. The standard guide specification we use is centered around the National Bureau of Standards PS 15-69 and/or the new SMACNA Thermoset FRP Duct construction manual. We also manufacture to various ASTM specifications, ANSI, Military specs and many custom application specifications. We do more custom spec work and spec writing than most FRP manufacturers due to the diversity of product lines, personnel and years of FRP experience.
Capabilities List
Spunstrand® Inc. Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Duct is custom manufactured for Industrial Corrosion Resistant Fume Exhaust applications. The resin system used is determined by the chemical, pressure and temperature exposures that the duct is subjected to. Typical applications include the following.
Spunstrand® Inc. duct for these applications is manufactured using the filament wound method, where continuous fiberglass strands are impregnated with resin and machine wound onto a mandrel, providing a stronger part than hand lay-up or centrifugally cast laminate. A corrosion barrier is first applied on the mandrel. For the standard 20 mil resin rich surface mat or synthetic veil corrosion barrier, the duct is filament wound prior to the gellation of the liner in order to ensure a complete bond. Liner type and thicknesses are available from 10 to 200 mils depending on specifications and customer requirements.
Spunstrand Municipal-Industrial Brochure
Wet Joint Instructions for Industrial Duct
Shipping / Handling / Storage Instructions
Ship Handling-Storage Doc
Medium Duty PS 15-69 SMACNA 10 SMACNA 30